
tell all contents

Send a message to all the objects inside the playfield


dial number

dial number of sound


whether the stethoscope is listening

sound level

level of sound

sound pitch

pitch of sound



The index of the chosen element

first element

The first object in my contents

graphic at cursor

the graphic worn by the object at the cursor


Add the object to my contents

include at cursor

Add the object to my contents at my current cursor position

number at cursor

the number at the cursor

player at cursor

the object currently at the cursor

remove all

Remove all elements from the playfield

shuffle contents

Shuffle the contents of the playfield

string contents

The characters of the objects inside me, laid end to end

pen trails

batch pen trails

Whether pen trails should reflect small movements within the same tick or only should integrate all movement between ticks

clear pen trails

Clear all the pen trails in the interior.

has pen trails

Whether there are any pen trails on the playfield

lift all pens

Lift the pens on all the objects in my interior.

lower all pens

Lower the pens on all the objects in my interior.

pen trail graphic

The graphic comprising the current pen trails.

trail style for all pens

Set the trail style for pens of all objects within



The graphic shown in the background of this object

mouse x

The x coordinate of the mouse pointer

mouse y

The y coordinate of the mouse pointer

round up strays

Bring all out-of-container subparts back into view.

unhide hidden objects

Unhide all hidden objects.